Dear DDOA Families,
Thank you for sharing your voice through our YouthTruth surveys!
Last November and December, we launched our fourth annual YouthTruth survey in partnership with YouthTruth, a national nonprofit that helps districts improve their school climate and culture.
We heard from you, our students and families, about how we’re doing and how we can improve. YouthTruth has completed the analysis of our survey results and we are reviewing the findings and beginning to plan our next steps.
While we will explore the findings more over the next several months and strategically use the feedback to inform next year’s planning, I wanted to sincerely thank you for your participation and to let you know what we are currently doing and planning to do with your feedback.
We gathered anonymous feedback from 36% of our students 9-12, 68% of our students 6-8 and 88% of our students 3-5. In addition we also received over 200 responses from families K-12.
From Students, We Learned:
In general, we learned from students that they believe their teachers truly care about and believe in them. This is great news.
But we also learned that there are significant improvements that we can make to better support and inspire you. In particular, students want to feel more a part of a community and have more efficient use of class time.
From Families, We Learned:
Based on family members’ feedback, we learned that our staff does a great job of communication and feedback.
According to many of our families, we have room for improvement in creating a school culture.
Your voice matters. Please continue to share your insight with us.
Together, we are ensuring that all students at DDOA are inspired and challenged to learn, grow and thrive to their fullest potential. I truly believe that our ability to be effective is only as great as our ability to give and receive feedback. Thank you for engaging in this feedback process with us.
We will continue to listen and learn, and we look forward to doing this again next year.
Linda Vancil
Principal DDOA