Student Assessments


Annual student assessments are coming up! For the complete assessment schedule, see the district page with assessment calendars for each grade level. You will also receive scheduling information specific to your student. You can find more information at this link.

Oregon State Assessments

Students in grades 3-8 and 11 take the English (ELA) and Math assessments. Grades 5, 8, and 11 are also tested in Science. More information is available on the district website.

Testing will be in April in-person at the DDOA office in North Powellhurst School (1400 SE 135th Ave). We will send you your scheduled appointment times before Spring Break.


Oregon law (ORS 329.479) permits parents/guardians and adult students to annually opt-out of Oregon’s statewide assessments in English Language Arts (ELA) and/or Mathematics by submitting the opt-out form to

Under Oregon Administrative Rule 581-022-1910, Parents/Guardians may request that their student be exempted from taking the Science Assessment to accommodate the student’s disabilities or religious belief. You may request exemption by sending the form to

Visit Oregon’s Starting Smarter webpage ( to learn more about what your child should know and be able to do in English Language Arts and Math, to view sample assessment questions, and to read more about your child’s test results. Contact your child’s teacher or school principal with questions.


Elementary students have DIBELS assessments in Fall, Winter, and Spring. Here are documents with guidance for understanding the DIBELS assessment results: