Progress Reports for Grades 6-12


Every Sunday caregivers receive a progress report email from Apex (  This gives up to date progress and takes the place of traditional grading reports. The “Detail Report” link will give you real time info that you can access this anytime (not just on Sunday). For more instructions on how to use this report, check out the Getting Started Coaches Guide and this APEX Weekly Progress Report Orientation (a 3 ½ minute video).

SAMPLE EMAIL that is sent to your inbox every Sunday:

These reports also contain a link to the email for each teacher.  If you want to touch base and/or conference with your student’s teacher, please send them an email.  They will be more than happy to schedule a check in time or respond via email.  Additionally, teachers have dedicated time every other day to be available for students and families, so you do not need to wait to schedule a conference. Students and parents can find that schedule in their email under the title “DDOA 6-12 Grade Teacher Support”

If for some reason you are not receiving the Apex progress report emails, please let us know as soon as possible.

At the end of each quarter you will receive a report card in the mail.