Low Attendance and Engagement Protocols

Kinder-5th Grade Attendance Policy Caregiver Responsibility: Staff Responsibility: *Daily notification of absences via Autocaller Steps to follow for students with chronic attendance (less than 90%):Step 1:  Teacher outreach to caregiver via emailStep 2:  Teacher outreach to caregiver via phone callStep 3:  Teacher to refer to Counselor for support if needed or follow up…

Get Connected on ParentSquare

ParentSquare is our district communication platform. Staff and teachers use this to send caregivers necessary information regarding students. We encourage everyone to activate their ParentSquare account to take full advantage of this tool. Even without an account, all families will receive messages to their email address and phone number. But an activated…

image of adult measuring the height of a student. Text reads Here for You(th) - David Douglas Student Health Center

Free Health Care for Students

David Douglas Student Health Center Location: David Douglas High School – 1034 SE 130th AveCall to schedule: 503-988-3554Mon, Tues, Thu & Fri: 7:45 am – 3:45 pmWed: 9:45 am – 5:45 pmclosed for lunch 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm Services • Regular exams• Sports physicals• Immunizations• COVID-19 testing, vaccines & boosters• Illness/injury…

New Chromebook Policy

David Douglas School District has implemented a fee schedule to replace and repair devices beginning in the 2024-25 school year. When we check out computers to students, the parent or student is required to sign the district’s Acceptable Use Policy (see below) which includes acknowledgment of these fees. Here is what you…

Back to School Day

DDOA Back to School Day Thursday, August 29th | 12-5pmNorth Powellhurst School (1400 SE 135th Ave) Please mark your calendars for DDOA Back to School Day! This is your opportunity to meet your teacher (Kinder-5th Grade), pick up a chromebook and school supplies, take your school photo, and get your School ID.…

Summer 2024

School is out for summer but DDOA staff remain available. Our office has relocated for the summer while our building is renovated. See below for directions. Contact: Email: online_academy@ddsd40.orgPhone: 503-389-0288 (call or text)Fax: 503-261-0233 Summer Office Hours: Mondays and Thursdays, 10am-3pm Summer Office Location: David Douglas High School – 1001 SE 135th Ave. We…

Caregiver and Staff Commitments

Strong collaboration and open communication between the home and school is critical to the success of all learners. This is true for in-person models of learning and arguably more important for virtual settings given the various constraints that are involved. To this end, we are setting expectations for staff and families that…

Student Assessments

Annual student assessments are coming up! For the complete assessment schedule, see the district page with assessment calendars for each grade level. You will also receive scheduling information specific to your student. You can find more information at this link. Oregon State Assessments Students in grades 3-8 and 11 take the English…