Our School

Principal’s Message
July 2024
Hello DDOA Families,
Welcome to our website! Here you will find information on our programming, courses, resources, and opportunities for families. We offer a comprehensive Kindergarten through 12th grade program and strive to build relationships with each student while working fully online for coursework.
Kindergarten through 5th grade students continue to have a full time teacher dedicated to their class. We will be offering monthly in person meet-up activities, quarterly online assemblies and student recognitions throughout the school year.
Our 6-12 grade students, while working through the Apex curriculum with daily Teacher Connection Times are invited to join our online clubs and groups, as well as take part in their home school activities. DDOA students are eligible to take in person courses, while being enrolled full time with us. Middle School student will participate in an Advisory class. High School students will receive post secondary planning support throughout high school and are encouraged to attend sporting events and social activities at their home school.
By offering in person opportunities, online clubs and activities, and additional support we hope to set ourselves apart from other online schools and ensure that our students are connected to the David Douglas community.
The DDOA team of teachers and staff is excited and eager to work with your student this year. Please reach out if you have any questions. As we continue to build this program, we welcome your suggestions and feedback!
Shawna Myers
Principal, David Douglas Online Academy
DDOA School Mission Statement
Expanding access to equitable education for all students in a safe, supportive and rigorous learning environment through an online setting.
DDOA School Vision Statement
Every student will grow and thrive socially, emotionally and academically through student accountability, relationships, engagement, and high expectations in an online setting.